Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Broadband Redefined by ConnectMaine Authority

 At its April 28, 2021 meeting the ConnectMaine Authority proposed a new definition of broadband internet service as 100 Mbps down and 100 Mbps up.  This definition supersedes the previous 25 Mbps down and 3 Mbps up specification, which has been widely criticized as inadequate to meeting common residential and commercial needs of customers.  This definition will guide ConnectMaine in evaluation of grant proposals for local expansion of service going forward.  It is coupled with a definition of "un-served" that is to be applied to places where at least 50 Mbps down and 10 Mbps up are not available.

ConnectMaine will hold a hearing on this new definition within the next 30 days and also entertain written comments during that period.  Final action on the change will take place at the Board's late May meeting.

Information on this matter should be up on the ConnectMaine website in the next couple days. 

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